endoflife.date maintains machine-readable identifiers for various products to help the SBOM ecosystem and other projects. We need your help to add more identifiers to the site.

What are Identifiers?

We currently use the following identifiers:

  1. Repology Project Identifiers. We use these to link to various package repositories and distributions.
  2. Package URL Identifiers (pkg:). We use these to link to packages that are not present in Repology, such as Docker Images, Third-party linux repos, and more.
  3. NVD CPE Identifiers. Primarily used where repology/purl does not work, such as on devices and operating-systems.

How can you help

For any of the pages below, click the edit link, and add a new field in the YAML called identifiers. Here’s some sample identifiers that we use across our various pages:

# links the product to the https://repology.org/project/package-name/information
-  repology: package-name
# See the PURL spec https://github.com/package-url/purl-spec
# for details, and avoid packages that are already mentioned on
# the repology page
# Common examples would be to use
# - pkg:os to document operating systems (https://github.com/package-url/purl-spec/pull/161)
# - pkg:github to link to GitHub pages
# - pkg:golang/pypi/gem/maven/npm etc for common package managers
# - pkg:docker for linking to docker images on Docker Hub
- purl: pkg:package-manager/package-name

# A few sample PURLS from our various products

-   purl: pkg:docker/library/amazonlinux
-   purl: pkg:apk/alpine/sqlite
-   purl: pkg:oci/csi-node-driver-registrar?repository_url=k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage
-   purl: pkg:github/kubernetes-csi/node-driver-registrar
-   purl: pkg:golang/github.com/kubernetes-csi/node-driver-registrar
-   purl: pkg:generic/firefox
-   purl: pkg:maven/org.apache.zookeeper/zookeeper
-   purl: pkg:oci/etcd?repository_url=quay.io/repository/coreos
-   purl: pkg:brew/liberica-jdk17
-   purl: pkg:scoop/liberica17
-   purl: pkg:chocolatey/libericajdk
-   purl: pkg:winget/BellSoft.LibericaJDK.8

Pages without Identifiers