SUSE Manager

server-app suse

SUSE Manager is an open source infrastructure management solution designed to simplify and secure a mixed Linux environment. It uses the Salt configuration management system to manage clients, deploy patches and packages, and report changes at scale.

Release Released General Support Latest
5.0 2 months ago
(16 Jul 2024)
Ends in 1 year and 9 months
(30 Jun 2026)
(16 Jul 2024)
4.3 2 years and 2 months ago
(20 Jun 2022)
Ends in 9 months
(30 Jun 2025)
(01 Jun 2024)
4.2 3 years ago
(21 Jun 2021)
Ended 10 months ago
(31 Oct 2023)
(29 Aug 2023)
4.1 4 years ago
(21 Jul 2020)
Ended 1 year and 10 months ago
(31 Oct 2022)
(20 Jun 2022)
4.0 5 years ago
(26 Jun 2019)
Ended 3 years ago
(30 Jun 2021)
(22 Jun 2021)
3.2 6 years ago
(25 Jun 2018)
Ended 3 years and 11 months ago
(30 Sep 2020)
(19 Aug 2020)
3.1 7 years ago
(27 Jun 2017)
Ended 5 years ago
(30 Jun 2019)
(30 Jun 2019)
3.0 8 years ago
(05 Apr 2016)
Ended 5 years and 10 months ago
(31 Oct 2018)
(01 Jun 2018)
2.1 10 years ago
(02 Jun 2014)
Ended 7 years ago
(31 Jan 2017)
(31 Oct 2016)
1.7 12 years ago
(09 Aug 2012)
Ended 9 years ago
(30 Jun 2015)
(26 Aug 2013)

This page tracks SUSE Manager, which is a SUSE product based on the open-source Uyuni project. Uyuni offers the same functionality, but follows a rolling release - bugfixes are only available on the latest version.

SUSE Manager is usually released every 12 months. The current release is usually supported for an additional 12 months once after the next release, resulting in a 24 month support cycle. SUSE Manager Proxy follows the same lifecycle as SUSE Manager Server.

More information is available on the SUSE Manager website.

You should be running one of the supported release numbers listed above in the rightmost column.

You can check the version that you are currently using by running:
zypper info SUSE-Manager-Server-release

You can submit an improvement to this page on GitHub :octocat: . This page has a corresponding Talk Page.

A JSON version of this page is available at /api/suse-manager.json. See the API Documentation for more information. You can subscribe to the iCalendar feed at /calendar/suse-manager.ics.